PRE CONSTRUCTION AND POST CONSTRUCTION. The videos are sometimes required in the Specs but more and more companies decide to protect themselves with our services anyway. Contractors can and will be blamed for damages to roads, curbs, sidewalks, walls and other items near private properties and businesses close to their construction sites. Including hauling roads. We will work with you to resolve these disputes before they escalate. We have numerous clients who used our work after being accused of damages. Baseless claims are time consuming and expensive. We are the professional third party who will produce the videos that will help you defend your company.


PRE CONSTRUCTION, POST CONSTRUCTION AND PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS. This is the same as for the Videos. A very efficient tool. Photographs will give a lot of details as well. The Work always comes with Plans Photo Logs to locate each photographs on the maps. The metatags have GPS details as well. Whether you are the Owner or the General Contractor, the photographs are a very efficient tool against any litigation. For a relatively small investment, you will save time and money. The photographs are sometimes required in the Specs but more and more companies decide to protect themselves with our services anyway. From experience. Photo and Video Surveys


Visit our sister company: AERIALS VIDEOS AND PHOTOGRAPHS – The aerial documentations are sometimes required in the Specs but some companies decide to use this service anyway as a Pre-Construction tool and for their websites. A new service is the CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTARY: from before the start of construction to the finished project, a mix of ground videos, aerial videos, interviews every three months with possible archives and photographs. The project edited and delivered for YouTube, Vimeo, companies’ website, and DVDs.


Training Videos: Education, Prevention and Safety. JPS Legal Video will videotape the training sessions required by the Owner when you need to teach their employees to properly use the new equipment. Also available: complete original “short instructional video documentaries” to be used for the same purpose. Videos provided in DVDs, QuickTime files on CDROMs or external hard drives. “Each year hundreds of workers are injured and some lose their lives. Prevention Videos are useful!


JPS Legal Video & Erdman Video teamed up. Look at our three Live-Cam Project in Santa Barbara County: In the page WORK you can see the latest photographs, and you can watch the Timelapses Videos at intervals of 1 photo every 30 minutes, 1/hour, 1/6hour, 1/day, etc.